21 de agosto de 2014

Discovering Computers 2011: Complete


Gary Shelly, Misty Vermaat


Book Description

Discovering Computers 2011: Complete provides students with a current and thorough introduction to computers by integrating the use of technology with the printed text. This Shelly Cashman Series text offers a dynamic and engaging solution to successfully teach students the most important computer concepts in today's digital world through exciting new exercises that focus on problem solving and critical thinking, along with online reinforcement tools on the unparalleled Online Companion. Updated for currency, students will learn the latest trends in technology and computer concepts and how these topics are integrated into their daily lives.


1. Introduction to Computers.
Special Feature: Timeline 2011.
2. The Internet and World Wide Web.
Special Feature: Making Use of the Web.
3. Application Software.
Special Feature: Digital Communications.
4. The Components of the System Unit.
5. Input.
6. Output.
Special Feature: Digital Video Technology.
7. Storage.
8. Operating Systems and Utility Programs.
Special Feature: Buyer's Guide 2011.
9. Communications and Networks.
10. Database Management.
11. Computer Security and Safety, Ethics, and Privacy.
Special Feature: Digital Forensics.
12. Information System Development.
13. Programming Languages and Program Development.
Special Feature: Web 2.0 Program Development.
14. Enterprise Computing.
Special Feature: Enterprise Order Processing: A Case Study.
15. Computer Careers and Certification.
Special Feature: Living Digitally.
A: Quiz Yourself Answers.
B: Computer Acronyms.
C: Coding Schemes and Number Systems.

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